SHSC's SHINDIG group met with Sheffield Flourish to share their personal experiences.
Wildflowers and long grass are havens for wildlife, help to tackle pollution and support our wellbeing.
On this page you'll find the eligibility and selection criteria for Burbage Ward.
All of these projects have been undertaken to put the comfort and safety of our service users at the forefront, removing ligature anchor points and creating high quality environments for care.
Our inpatient wards, care homes and crisis teams have been awarded our first star for completing stage one of the accreditation from the Carers Trust.
It is very important that we give the very best care to the people we support and on this page you can find information about what we are doing to make sure it happens.
Information on who we provide care for, and how to access our service.
The primary purpose of the clinic is to assess eligibility and readiness for gender affirming treatment.
The Sheffield Treatment and Recovery team, also known as START, transferred to Likewise, run by HumanKind, from 1 August 2023.
On this page you'll find the eligibility and selection criteria for referrals to the Assertive Outreach Team.
Our Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday 26 June 2024.
We're proud of the support we offer to all our staff, here are our top reasons to choose us.
This page explains what information we make routinely available and how it can be accessed.
Useful resources on ADHD.
The 'Waiting Well' project aims to support people waiting for an assessment to improve their wellbeing and quality of life.
Useful resources for autistic people.
Information for veterans
Our Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday 24 July 2024.
This statement provides information about waiting times for ADHD assessments in Sheffield
People at SHSC share what being South Asian means as we celebrate the month.