SHSC gets first star in Triangle of Care journey

Our inpatient wards, care homes and crisis teams have been awarded our first star for completing stage one of the Triangle of Care accreditation from the Carers Trust.

This is to reflect the great work and progress we have made over the last year in making sure we consistently involve carers, service users and health professionals in our care.

The Triangle of Care is a three-stage process for organisations to work through, with stars awarded at each stage that highlight good practice in building a carer inclusive approach to care.

We have really focused on giving our carers a stronger voice and enabling us to better work in partnership with carers, families, and our communities.

The peer review panel, which assessed our progress, highlighted our work to include unpaid carers in coproduction, our collaborative care plan progress and information sharing. The reviewers also noted our commitment to communication and listening, as well as partnership working through our groups for carers and collaboration with Sheffield Carers Centre and Sheffield Young Carers.

We will be taking on stage two of the process later this year, which focuses on our community services. We will be continuing to work hard and building on the good progress we have made integrating the Triangle of Care standards.

Congratulations to everybody involved for their hard work and dedication in achieving this first important step in our journey.

Find out more about the Triangle of Care here.