People with lived experience of the support we provide offer an invaluable insight on what it's like to receive care.

By sharing those lived experiences you can help us identify where we could make improvements and help to make a real difference to other people who are in the same position as you were.

Current lived experience roles

Please note we are not currently recruiting at present.

All of our lived experience roles below are available as paid (Agenda for Change band 4) or volunteer positions.

We are offering you a choice on whether your role will be paid or not because of the implications of taking on paid work if you claim certain benefits. This helpful document explains some key things you need to bear in mind if you would like to apply for a paid role.

Whether you choose a paid or volunteer role, you will be given the same training and support from our lived experience team.

Find out more about each role here:

Other things you need to know

Here are a few more details about our lived experience roles.

What you can expect from us

  • Nominated person to go to if any problems occur
  • Adequate training to carry out the role including volunteer or paid induction and any other training that they and the group leader deem to be appropriate to the role
  • Signposting to the relevant policies e.g Volunteer Policy, Social Media Policy or Code of Conduct
  • Support and supervision from SHSC Engagement and Experience Team – including specific support from other Lived Experience Practitioners if necessary
  • Reimbursement of expenses (e.g travel) with proof of receipts
  • A brief and debrief prior and after the meeting if both parties deem this necessary, including any useful information to be shared prior to the meetings.

What we expect from you

  • To conduct yourself in the same professional high standards expected from staff
  • To understand that as a member of staff (paid or volunteering) you are representing the Trust and its values
  • To be open and honest about any difficulties you may encounter
  • To maintain communication with supervisors and our Engagement and Experience Team.


Currently meetings take place via Microsoft Teams, however, where a suitable candidate is unable to access Microsoft Teams within their usual home setting we can arrange that they attend the meeting alongside a Trust colleague on Trust premises subject to the COVID-19 guidance. We will actively support anyone who needs technological support to attend meetings.


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