It is very important that we give the very best care to the people we support and on this page you can find information about what we are doing to make sure it happens.

Our vision and strategy ensures that we always know where we are going and how we measure success.

On this page you will find information about our vision, values and strategies. These are:

  • Our strategic direction
  • Clinical and Social Care Strategy
  • Enabling strategies:
    • Quality
    • Service User Engagement and Experience
    • Research, Innovation and Effectiveness
    • People
    • Freedom to Speak Up
    • Finance
    • Digital
    • Estates
    • Sustainability and Green Plan

Our vision

Our vision is to improve the mental, physical and social wellbeing of the people in our communities.

We will do this by:

  • Working with and speaking up for local people
  • Making sure our services concentrate on prevention and early intervention
  • Always improving what we do
  • Locating services as close to peoples’ homes as we can
  • Developing a confident workforce with colleagues who are good at what they do
  • Ensuring excellent and sustainable services

Our values

Our values are a series of behaviours that everyone at SHSC is expected to follow.

We are proud to live and follow our values every day. They outline how we act to make sure we give the very best care to the people we support.

Our values are:

  • Working together for our service users
  • Respect and kindness
  • Everyone counts
  • Commitment to quality
  • Improving lives

In 2021 we worked with our staff to review and relaunch our values to ensure they reflected the behaviours we expect from everyone at Team SHSC.

Our strategic direction

Our strategic direction sets out where we want to be as an organisation by 2025 and what we need to do to get there.

“By 2025 we want to be ‘the best we can be’, delivering accessible and inclusive person-centred mental health, learning disability and social care services.”

Our strategic direction

Our strategic aims

We have worked with our staff, the leadership group, Joint Consultative Forum, Council of Governors, Board, partners and people who use services to review our strategic direction (where we want to be).

This work led us to update our strategic aims to show the importance of addressing inclusion for our staff and people who use our services. We have updated our strategic aims to:

  • Deliver outstanding care
  • Create a great place to work
  • Effective use of resources
  • Ensure our services are inclusive
Our priorities 2024-25

Further information about our priorities in our Strategic Direction 2021-2025 can be found here.

Clinical and Social Care Strategy

“The bedrock of our Clinical and Social Care Strategy is based on our values and the recovery principle, delivering care that is Person-Centred, Strengths-Based, Evidence-Led and Trauma-Informed.”

The Clinical and Social Care Strategy

As part of the strategy there is a development plan.

This plan focuses on:

  • Understanding what matters to people
  • Knowing we make a difference
  • Creating environments for excellence
  • Transforming care in Sheffield
  • Leading the system for outstanding care
Clinical and Social Care Strategy on a page

Our Clinical and Social Care Strategy gives more information about how we will do this and can be found here.

Our enabling strategies

Enabling strategies in cogs working together

We have made sure that our enabling strategies support the delivery of our Clinical and Social Care Strategy. The enabling strategies are:

  • Quality
  • Service User Engagement and Experience
  • Research, Innovation and Effectiveness
  • People
  • Freedom to Speak Up
  • Finance
  • Digital
  • Estates
  • Sustainability and Green Plan


"Improving the experience, safety and quality of care through understanding what matters to people and co-producing systems and models of care."

Quality strategy

Quality priorities - 2022/2023

Alongside our Quality strategy, sit our priorities for this year. You can read about these here:

Quality priorities 2022-2023

Service User Engagement and Experience

"Embracing coproduction and diversity to help us make the right improvements to deliver outstanding care."

Service User Engagement and Experience strategy

Research, Innovation and Effectiveness

"To create a vibrant, engaged improvement culture, using the best, and most up-to-date evidence to achieve the best outcomes for people who use our services."

Research, Innovation and Effectiveness strategy


"For our staff to feel happy, safe at work and supported to fulfil their potential to provide the very best care for the people who use our services."

People strategy

People strategy on a page

Our People Strategy sets out our priorities. You can read it here.

Freedom to Speak Up

"Our Freedom to Speak Up ambition is to be a place where staff are actively encouraged to speak up, feel safe to do so, where we listen to one another, and action is taken to follow up and learn from the concern raised."

Freedom to Speak Up strategy


"Our strategy will ensure we are using our resources effectively to deliver the best care we can."

Finance strategy


"To provide staff with more time to be with the people who use our services so they can deliver outstanding care, working in an environment where technology ‘just works’."

Digital strategy


"For our buildings to provide a 'healing environment', be fit for purpose, enabling the delivery of high quality, safe, sustainable, and affordable clinical and social care services to local people."

Estates strategy

Sustainability Strategy and Green Plan

"Sustainability will be owned by our leadership teams and we will measure and assess the impact of all our decisions on the environment and our aim to achieve net zero by 2030."

Sustainability Strategy and Green Plan

Sustainability Strategy and Green Plan - On a Page

Our Sustainability Strategy and Green Plan has more information about our priorities You can view it here.

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