Become an associate mental health act manager

What is an associate mental health act manager?

Associate mental health act managers play an important role in reviewing if a person's detention in hospital or Community Treatment Order should continue. Their decisions are made as part of a panel, which usually take place face-to-face on Trust premises but on some occasions these may happen online.

Whilst working within the law and with Trust policies and procedures, decisions in respect of a person's detention or Community Treatment Order are made independently by associate mental health act managers. 

Who can be an associate mental health act manager?

People who have first-hand experience of accessing mental health services or who have worked within mental health or social care are encouraged to apply. We also encourage applications from all parts of the community to make sure that the service we provide is representative of all areas of society.

Associate mental health managers are not employees of the Trust, but are financially compensated for the reviews they undertake and for attending training and development meetings. There is no set number of hours a associate mental health act manager may work, but they are required to be a panel member on at least ten occasions each year, and are expected to attend at least two quarterly associate mental health act manager meetings annually.

Successful candidates become part of a group of associate mental health act managers that the Trust can approach when reviews and hearings are needed. 

No formal legal knowledge is needed to carry out the role, as training and support is provided. 

How can I apply?

If you are interested in becoming an associate mental health act manager, please email your CV and a covering letter to
