1. Our commitment to sustainability

We are committed to combatting climate change and see it as central to the wellbeing of our staff and service users. We have already begun to replace our fleet of diesel vehicles with zero emission electric vans, introduced e-bikes for staff to use and planted trees and wildflowers at a number of our sites. In 2022 we launched our first Sustainability Strategy and Green Plan, which sets out our ambition to be net zero for the emissions we control by 2030.

2. Flexible working

We support staff to balance their work and home life by offering flexible working arrangements which take into account your personal circumstances.

3. Health and wellbeing

We have a range of options on offer to support the physical and mental health and wellbeing of team SHSC. Some of the staff wellbeing support we offer includes mindfulness sessions, confidential counselling, mentoring and a free fast-track physiotherapy service.

4. Variety of services

We provide mental health, learning disability, substance misuse, dementia and specialist services in the Sheffield region - so there are lots of different areas which you can learn about and work in! Our nurses have the chance to do rotations in different wards and our Bank Office offers the chance to work and gain experience in different services.

5. Personal development opportunities

We offer a range of opportunities for personal and professional development, training and learning both within our organisation and with local and national training providers. These include leadership training, coaching, mentoring and other specific opportunities whenever they arise.

6. Social life

There are lots of opportunities to get social with your colleagues across the Trust. We have a thriving selection of staff network groups you can join and there are always activities going on which you can get involved in. This could be fundraising for our charity, taking part in staff away days and celebration events, or celebrating the long service of those staff members who have dedicated 30 years to the NHS.

7. Research

We have a dedicated Research Development Unit which supports the delivery of research in many of our services. We actively encourage staff to get involved in research and join our network of clinical research champions.

We are proud to be members of the University Hospitals Association (UHA), denoting our significant involvement in research and education. Membership of the UHA is given to NHS Trusts whose research puts them at the forefront of developments in care and connections with industry. 

8. Diversity, inclusion and fairness

Our Ethnically Diverse Staff Network Group is open to all staff who do not identify as White British. Our annual Working Together Conference brings staff from all backgrounds across the organisation together and our BAME mentoring programme gives staff the chance to be mentored by one of the executives on our Board of Directors. We also have an established international health partnership with mental health services in Gulu, Northern Uganda, which offers a range of opportunities for staff to get involved.

These are just a few examples of the staff network groups and initiatives which promote equality, diversity and inclusion at SHSC.

9. Exciting future

We are undergoing lots of exciting changes, including developing new therapeutic environments for our service users to receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

10. Great place to live and work

Sheffield is a great place to live and work! Here are 10 reasons why we think so.

11. An NHS pension

When you start work in the NHS you will automatically become a member of the NHS Pension Scheme. 

Being in the scheme provides lots of important benefits for you and your family. When you retire you’ll get a pension payable for life. This is fully guaranteed by the government.

Advantages of an NHS pension include:

  • You won't pay income tax on the contributions you pay
  • Your employer contributes the equivalent of an extra 20.6% of your pay to help meet the costs of your benefits
  • You can choose to swap some of your annual pension for a one-off lump sum when you retire.
  • There’s also options to let you plan when you take your pension.
  • Depending on what type of member you are, you can be flexible about when you take your pension whilst continuing to work.
  • If you want to you can choose to take your pension before your normal pension age. Your pension will be reduced because it is being paid to you earlier and will be paid to you for longer.
  • If you become too ill to work, you could apply for an early ill health retirement pension and you’re covered for death benefits if you should die. This means your family may be entitled to benefits including a lump sum and a pension for partners and dependent children.
  • Depending on what type of member you are there are also ways you can increase the value of your NHS pension.

More information about NHS pensions can be found here.

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