SHINDIG members share what it is like to live with dementia

Members of our Sheffield Dementia Involvement Group (SHINDIG) received a walk welcome when they visited the Service User Support and Engagement Group (SUSEG) at mental health charity Sheffield Flourish. 

The group attended on Thursday 16 May and used the opportunity to share what it is like to live with dementia.

In the below blog, SHINDIG co-ordinator Claire Jepson, talks about the event.

"We didn't shy away from the reality of the disease and initiate difficult conversations when needed, doing so in a tactful manner in a safe and supportive space. 

"SUSEG learnt a lot and acknowledged SHINDIG as a genuine example of coproduction. Our group spoke honestly about their individual and shared experiences. 

"Comments made throughout the session illustrated the importance of SHINDIG in providing a forum to really hear the voice of the person living with dementia. Also, for the opportunities it creates for our members to continue being contributing members of society. 

"SHINDIG members are involved in research, education, product design, service development and are whole heartedly committed to challenging the stigma and inequity experienced by those living with dementia. 

"I am so very proud to be a part of this service."

More information about SHINDIG can be found here.
