Our bank office offers you the opportunity to work flexibly as a member of bank staff at the Trust.
Looking for hands on experience in your chosen professional?
We are currently developing a new Service User and Experience Strategy which will outline our commitment to continuously improve our approach to working with our service users.
Two Art Therapists who completed their training at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust (SHSC) are part of the Spectrum People team which recently won a prestigious BBC Radio 4 All in the Mind Award.
Repairs at St George’s Community Health Centre are now complete and we re-open to visitors on Monday 02 August.
Due to a burst water pipe on the first floor at St George’s Community Health Centre we have been forced to temporarily close the building while repairs are carried out.
The Sheffield Treatment and Recovery Team (START) will be out and about this weekend to provide help, support, and advice to anyone affected by drugs and alcohol.
The NHS in Sheffield has taken the next step in its commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusivity by opening new rainbow crossings at three of its main sites this week.
Now many restrictions have been lifted, we are still asking anybody accessing or visiting our sites to take precautions to limit the spread of COVID-19.
This year all staff at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust were given a day to spend in any way they like this year. The “gift of time” was given as a gesture of appreciation for their extraordinary efforts over the last year.
Sheffield Health and Social Care responds to Care Quality Commission report into specialist unit for people with a learning disability or autism
People recovering from mental ill health have transformed their gym area at Forest Close, Middlewood with some locally inspired wall art.
15 trees including crab apple, rowan, and cherry were planted at Woodland View, a nursing home run by Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.
We are delighted to welcome our new Non-Executive Director, Olayinka Fadahunsi-Oluwole (Yinka), to Team SHSC.
Volunteers working with the NHS in Sheffield are being celebrated this Volunteers’ Week for the amazing contributions they have made throughout the pandemic.
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One 21 June 2021 Burbage Ward will be moving to our newly refurbished Dovedale 2 Ward.
We’re really proud to support Carers Week, we’re coming together with others across Sheffield, Yorkshire and the UK to make caring visible and valued.
If you're feeling stressed, worried or anxious about the end of lockdown you may find this course useful.
If you're feeling stressed, worried or anxious about the end of lockdown our 'Life After Lockdown' course can help.