Life After Lockdown

The Coronavirus pandemic has been tough for everyone, and we've all struggled in different ways - including with our mental health. 

As restrictions start to ease we know that lots of people are unsure about what life after lockdown will look like, especially if you have been shielding.

To help people in Sheffield through these changes our Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) team have created a new ‘Life After Lockdown’ course which offers practical advice to help deal with the anxiety, worry and stress that some people may be experiencing as restrictions ease.

The course is free and is being held online via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 09 June from 6pm to 7.30pm.

A key focus for the course will be to look at useful tips to help with returning to normal activities like being in groups, socialising and being in the workplace.

Sian Wray, Senior Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner who will be running the course, said: “The easing of lockdown restriction is something that lots of people will be excited about as we get back to some sort of normality. But for many people, particularly those who have been shielding, the thought of going back to work or being in large groups can be terrifying.

“I want anyone who is struggling to know that it is absolutely normal to feel this way. The pandemic has affected us all in different ways and it’s completely understandable to feel cautious, worried, anxious, exhausted or just fed up with everything. At the course I’ll be talking about lots of things that can help with these feelings, including breathing and grounding exercises to calm your mind and body.

“You won’t be put on the spot in the course and asked questions, everyone but the presenters will have their cameras and microphones turned off. If you have any questions you can type them in the text chat.”

There are 100 places available on the course with places assigned on a first come first served basis.

You can find out more about IAPT and the courses they offer at