We want to make caring visible and valued this Carers Week

We’re really proud to support Carers Week, we’re coming together with others across Sheffield, Yorkshire and the UK to make caring visible and valued.

We’re raising awareness of how we can better support carers in our community.

We’re doing this with our staff, to help make sure we always ask our service users if they are a carer, or if someone is caring for them, so we can make sure they have the support they need.

We’re doing this by talking about the ways our people can access support if they are carers themselves.

We’ve teamed up with Sheffield Young Carers and the Carers Centre to run training for our staff about the needs of carers in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

And we’ll also be talking about our Carers Wellbeing Course, which supports adult carers in Sheffield.

Carers play a vital role in supporting people in our communities, even more so over the last year. If you are a carer in Sheffield take a look at our Carers and Young Carers page, it’s full of useful information written just for you by us, Sheffield Carers CentreSheffield Young Carers and Chilypep.

Find out more about Carers Week 2021 on their website. Follow on social media with the hashtag #CarersWeek