As an NHS Foundation Trust we are answerable to our our members.
We are a multi-faith team of chaplains (Camran, Sally, Siobhan and Tim) and chaplaincy volunteers, offering spiritual and religious care.
In this section you'll find lots of useful information, advice and opportunities for our service users and carers.
The MA Art Psychotherapy Practice is the pre-registration course required for practice as an Art Psychotherapist or an Art Therapist in the UK.
This course is designed to give you an introduction to art therapy, and what it’s like to work as an art therapist.
The Art Therapy Northern Programme offers formal training and education in art therapy from our range of experts.
We provide a range of education and training courses where you can gain formal and informal qualifications.
Since 2012 we’ve been part of the Gulu-Sheffield Mental Health Partnership which aims to improve the mental health support available in Uganda.
If you need to get in touch with us this page has all the contact details you need.
This week a team of Sheffield mental health workers have been awarded an accreditation by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
New facilities and garden to create healing environment for service users
Building work has begun at the Michael Carlisle Centre on a ward to get it ready for service users and staff from Burbage ward to move to in April.
Find out more about the range of accessibility features on the site.
All staff at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust will receive a day to spend in any way they like this year. The “gift of time” is being given as a gesture of appreciation for their extraordinary efforts over the last year.
Last weekend every resident at Woodland View, a nursing home for people who have complex needs, had a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The Board was selected as a finalist despite the tough competition from over 1000 entries. They were selected based on their ambition, visionary spirit and the demonstrable positive impact that their project has had on patient and staff experiences.
The survey takes place every year and gives us a really important insight into what our teams are thinking, experiencing and feeling.
Last year, during lockdown, one million people in the UK quit smoking. New research confirms that now those ex-smokers will now be feeling happier and more positive than if they were still smoking.
We carried out a survey with our service users to find out about the support and care they have received during the Coronavirus pandemic.
On this page you'll find the results of our Coronavirus survey with people using our older adult services and our Memory Service.