We work closely with organisations in Sheffield and across the region to ensure we provide the very best services we can.
An update about what is happening in the community mental health services team.
Cyclists aiming to raise money for a good cause.
The centre, which will launch next Spring, will drive life-changing research into health technologies.
Our Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday 24 January 2024.
Helen Crimlisk, deputy medical director at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, opened the National Student Psychiatry Conference, held at the University of Sheffield.
The QUIT team helps service users and staff to give up nicotine.
A team of hardy volunteers came together yesterday to plant 78 new trees at Woodland View nursing home.
For Social Work Week 2024 Emma shares what a day in the life of a social worker can look like.
In this section you’ll find details on all of the services we provide across Sheffield, South Yorkshire and nationwide.
Co-chair of SHSC's Disabled Staff Network Group, Cat Obbard shares a personal reflection on being neurodivergent. Cat works as a community mental health nurse for SHSC.
Information on getting to the clinic.
If you are in a mental health crisis, this page has all the advice and guidance you need to keep yourself or a loved one safe.
We want your honest and open feedback about your experiences as a carer of somebody who uses our services so that we can improve them.
We want your honest and open feedback about your experiences as a carer of somebody who uses our services so that we can improve them.
Take a look at our latest vacancies.
SHSC's sustainability lead, Sarah Ellison, is delighted to announce that SHSC has developed and had externally accredited our first sustainable travel plan.
Carers came together at Sheffield Town Hall.
Dovedale 2 is a more modern, safe and therapeutic space for our staff and service users to be in.
In order for us to accept a referral to our service we require you to provide the information requested in this document to help us triage the referral.