Sheffield Community Forensic Team develops using Clinical and Social Care Strategy

The Sheffield Community Forensic Team has made great progress over the last year in developing its service offer in line with the key pillars of our Clinical and Social Care Strategy.

The team has been working on improving the care it provides to be even more:

  • Person-centred
  • Evidence-led
  • Strengths-based
  • Trauma-informed
  • Coproduced

The service has used the ROOTs tool, which helps those using it to look at how trauma-informed their care is. As a result of this, lots of new developments and innovations have been put in place.

The tool showed them that making a connection with carers was an area they could improve on, to include more coproduction in its work and make sure that the service is tailored to the people it is supporting. The team wanted to do better at identifying carers, so created a new group to focus on this and a database to log details on to help them communicate better in the future.

After this work started the snowball kept rolling and became a whole list of focused actions they could take to make improvements in response to the ROOTs tool. This included work around:

  • Feedback, through key performance indicators and patient reported outcome measures (PROMs)
  • Coproduction and partnership working, such as through external visits and work with services like housing support. This includes a protected slot for quality improvement sessions, such as on race equity and staff wellbeing
  • Communication with service users about human rights and advocacy
  • Resource and team culture, and ensuring that this work is taken on across the whole team and is prioritised. This is done through lots of ways, including upskilling the team to make this work sustainable, introducing peer support, and creating a good culture of ownership within the team

If you are interested in getting involved or finding out more about the strategy and what it could mean for you or your teams, please contact