News listing
We’re asking you to share your thoughts on our community mental health services as we review our current model and see what a possible new model could look like.
We’re launching a new project that will put issues of racism on the table and bring people from Sheffield Health and Social Care together to find solutions and make change.
We're looking for people who have used or care for someone who has used eating disorder services in Sheffield to help us design a new all age service for the city.
We've received the fantastic news that our Liaison Psychiatry service has received re-accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Mike Potts will be joining Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust as our new Chair on 1 August 2020.
Famous Sheffielders have lent their support to a new mental health campaign launching in the city today.
Our telephone problems have now been resolved
Earlier today we experienced some problems with our telephone system.
The Care Quality Commission has released a report on their inspection of the Trust.
Because they’re self-isolating during the Coronavirus pandemic, many people on our wards cannot get out to buy simple things. This means that they are going without items that provide access to therapeutic activities and support their wellbeing.