We help staff and service users quit smoking

Today is National No Smoking Day.

Smoking is the biggest cause of death and disease that you can control. About half of all lifelong smokers will die early, losing on average about 10 years of life.

People with a mental health condition are more likely to smoke than those without one. Because of this, far too many people with mental health conditions die up to 20 years sooner.

As providers of medical treatment and care, we are committed to helping people make the switch to a healthier future.

Our QUIT team helps service users and staff to stop smoking. They offer one to one support, nicotine replacement therapy and tools to help maintain motivation to end their reliance on tobacco. In 2024 the tea, helped 56 service users and 40 colleagues to quit.

Lisa Munro, a support worker at our Forest Lodge site, quit with the help of the team. Have a read of how she succeeded.

Lisa had been a smoker from the age of 13, smoking around 20 cigarettes a day.

She had made lots of unsuccessful attempts to stop. Unsuccessful methods included going 'cold turkey', using prescription Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) and support from another service.

On each occasion Lisa relapsed.

But she had several factors motivating her to end her reliance on nicotine:

  • Lisa's daughter wanted her to live longer to be there for her and to see her growing up
  • Lisa also wanted to feel comfortable and confident enough to exercise, however, she felt smoking had contributed towards her poor fitness levels
  • Control as stress had contributed to previous relapses and she wanted to take back the control smoking had over her

Lisa had seen the QUIT team on the ward and decided to take the step and refer herself to them.

The team offers a programme to staff and service users which includes:

  • 12 weeks of one to one behavioural support
  • 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
  • Free vapes
  • Tools to support people in managing withdrawals and maintaining motivation

Lisa is now smoke free after the help of the team and is delighted with the results.

Lisa said: "I feel much better and healthier and am proud of myself. I have been able to exercise, going to the gym and swimming and have more free time.

"I don't smell of smoke and my friends and family are very proud of me."

Agne Tasker, a member of the QUIT team, gave Lisa one to one support to help her stop smoking.

Agne said: "Lisa had some struggles at the beginning of her stop smoking journey.

"At one point Lisa nearly give up. After motivational chat and reminding her why she wanted to stop in first place, I was so pleased to hear that Lisa would give it one last chance and she did it!

"We learned that Lisa, to help her stop smoking, would need double nicotine patches combined with fast acting product (nicotine mouth spray).

"I am very proud of Lisa for being open to fact-based suggestions, quitting smoking, and embracing a new way of life. It took some time, but she managed. Never give up!"

Quit smoking with the NHS

If you would like to stop smoking then help is available through the NHS.

Click here to find out more.