Laura Frost, peer recovery worker, stopped smoking with the help of the QUIT Team

Laura Frost, peer recovery worker in the south Community Mental Health Team , was supported to stop smoking with the help of the QUIT Team.

Here’s Laura’s journey.

Laura began smoking as a teenager, initially as a social smoker however, soon became addicted and after a short amount of time was smoking around 20 cigarettes a day.

Laura had made previous quit attempts using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), however, without the one to one behavioural support from a professional, Laura soon found herself back smoking. However, this time her motivation to quit was threefold.

"I needed to quit due to medical reasons. I also didn’t want to waste any more money on buying cigarettes. I have always used cigarettes as a crutch when I have struggled or have been stressed and didn’t want to feel that I relied on them anymore. I self-referred to QUIT when I felt it was time to stop smoking, I had heard about QUIT on the staff intranet.

"Evidence reports that you are three times more likely to quit with not just the right nicotine replacement but with one to one behavioural support to manage withdrawals, low motivation and looking at managing cravings. Laura found this support beneficial to her achieving a quit.

"The best thing about QUIT is the encouragement that I have received from my coach. The advice that I have received has been invaluable and the NRT products which were tailored to me. I felt that it is a very person-centred and non-judgemental service.

It hasn’t been an easy journey for Laura, however support from quit around how to manage those difficult periods and the encouragement has been instrumental.

"The hardest part has been when I have been around other smokers in a social setting, but I have been able to manage this by making small changes to my activities to counter the temptation to smoke.

"Above all, I feel proud that I have managed to achieve this. I am confident that my health will improve and I’m much better off financially. Everyone has been really encouraging from my family, friends and even colleagues.

"I honestly feel that I wouldn’t have achieved this without the support of the QUIT programme and in particular my QUIT coach, Angelito."

Angelito, tobacco treatment advisor for QUIT said:

"Laura was serious about quitting from the get-go, she was devoted and compliant with the plans we agreed on. More importantly, Laura always showed her excitement to becoming smokefree at every one of our face to face appointments, which she stated were helpful to have.

"Laura was easy going and maintained communication all the time via text, email and phone calls."

Quit with QUIT

It's much easier to stop smoking and vaping, then nicotine consumption, when you get the right help and support and our QUIT team offers SHSC staff and service users help to stop smoking or vaping. Any member of staff who wants the team's help can refer themselves to the programme.

Getting expert help from the team means you're three times as likely to quit for good. They have a track record of supporting people.

In 2023 the team supported 60 people to go smoke free. Of those, 25 were staff members with the rest service users.

The team offers a programme which includes:

  • 12 weeks of one to one behavioural support
  • 12 weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
  • Free vapes
  • Tools to support you in managing withdrawals and maintaining motivation

If you would like to have a chat about what the QUIT team can do to help you or you would like to refer yourself for help, please message

How to quit in Sheffield

Find lots of support to quit on the Smokefree Sheffield website.