Best of mental health research showcased at annual event

Our third Research and Evidence Showcase held on Wednesday was a huge success.

The event was a celebration of some of the research and evidence led work we do with our partners, stakeholders and communities to help improve health outcomes for service users.

Using research and evidence is key to ensuring we make informed decisions about how our services and care are delivered.

During the annual conference delegates looked at research and evidence led projects our colleagues have developed with partners, stakeholders and communities to improve health outcomes for service users and provide better opportunities for people who work for us.

They shared learning on a wide range of areas including race and equity, head injuries and maternal mental health.

Key points and learning from how those projects made a difference were shared by speakers and through a series of eye-catching posters designed by delegates.

Speakers included Professor Scott Weich, who spoke about nationally funded work on complex emotions, Dr Chris Wood, who shared research on creative approaches such as art therapy, and Dr Will Gann. Dr Gann updated the conference about the planned development of a research clinic for people with depression, bipolar and anxiety disorders. The clinic is being funded through collaborations with the Universities of Newcastle and Oxford.