The Specialist Psychotherapy Service (SPS) offers individual and group psychotherapies to people over the age of 18 who have complex emotional difficulties which remain present despite previous interventions.

We are a tertiary service, accepting referrals from primary care (GPs and Sheffield Talking Therapies), Primary and Community Mental Health Teams (PCMHT) and secondary care.

We also provide specialist education and training to both universities in Sheffield, and actively take part in research projects.

SPS is formed of two teams: the Mood, Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Psychotherapy Service (MAPPS) and the Personality/Complex Trauma Team (PCT).

The Specialist Psychotherapy Service is accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Accreditation Programme for Psychological Therapies (APPTS).

SPS was highly commended in the 'improving care by an individual or team' category at the SHSC Shine Awards 2024.

What do we offer?

Both teams offer a range of individual and group therapies, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Gestalt Psychotherapy, group and individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and full program Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). 

Mood, Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Psychotherapy Service (MAPPS)

This team works with people who are experiencing long-term or recurring difficulties related to depression, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The people we support may be experiencing difficulties in more than one of these areas and will have accessed other first line treatments such as therapy, counselling or medication at least once before being referred to us.

Personality/Complex Trauma (PCT) Team

The team provides psychotherapy for people with complex emotional needs who may have experienced multiple traumas and/or disrupted early attachments.

Some people who use this team have a diagnosis of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder/Borderline Personality Disorder or have difficulties with emotional regulation.

It is not essential for people to have this diagnosis to be seen by the team.

Accessing our service

If your referral to us is accepted, you will be offered an assessment to allow us to explore your current difficulties as well as your goals for treatment. Our waiting time from referral to assessment is approximately 18 weeks.

If the team feel that you are likely to benefit from treatment, you will be placed on our waiting list for either MAPPS or PCT.

There is likely to be a wait of 8-18 months before a treatment vacancy becomes available. You will be offered review sessions with a therapist and group interventions if suitable whilst you are waiting.

When you arrive

Watch a video tour of our building, showing you how to get access and find your way through to our service:

Information for healthcare professionals

Referrals are accepted from healthcare professionals working in primary and secondary services in Sheffield through a completed referral form, to be emailed to

You can download our referral form here.

You can read our service eligibility criteria here.

If you have a query about making a referral you can call us on 0114 2716920.

Frequently asked questions

Who do I speak to if I am experiencing difficulties with the therapy process?

If you are experiencing difficulties with the therapy process, it may feel uncomfortable to discuss this with your therapist. However, we encourage you to raise these difficulties with your therapist during one of the regular therapy review sessions. If this is not possible we would encourage you to speak to the leads of the services.

How is my information stored and kept confidential?

We take clinical notes which are stored on a secure electronic system. Your information will be kept confidential to those who are involved in your care. This would only change if we are concerned about your safety or the safety of others, and this is something we would discuss with you. You can find out more by clicking here.

If you have any concerns about the storage or confidentiality of your information, or about maintaining privacy when contacting our service from your home, please talk to the service or the clinician you are seeing. 

How do I give feedback or make a complaint?

Any feedback you can share about your experience using our service is invaluable in helping us make improvements.

If you have any feedback you would like to share please speak to your clinician who can support you.

If you have a complaint which cannot be resolved by talking with your therapist or raising it within the service, you can also email

You can also leave anonymous feedback via Care Opinion below. 

Do I have a choice over who I see?

We understand that people from particular groups or communities may feel more comfortable receiving a service from someone from the same or different community from their own. We are committed to supporting choice as much as possible. For example, if you had a strong preference to see a therapist from the BAME or LGBTQ+ communities, or of a particular gender, please let us know, either when you opt in for your assessment or during your assessment appointment. Due to limited resources and/or the need for a particular therapeutic approach this may not always be possible, but we will do our best to meet your request.

Self help and information resources

If you are waiting to start treatment you might find the resources below helpful while you are waiting for your appointment.

If you would like printed copies of this information posted out, please let us know.

Information on therapies

If you are on our waiting list, you should have had the chance to discuss which therapy approaches might be beneficial. See below for more information on different types of therapy:

We also offer evidence-based group interventions as well as an informal coffee and craft morning.

Self-help information

Self-help for various mental-health and wellbeing difficulties, including low mood, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem and sleep:

Help and information on suicidal thoughts and feelings:

Help and information on self-harm:

Local support and services

This guide provides information on services, activities and resources across Sheffield to improve mental and physical health. There is also a range of practical support and information around welfare and housing.

We understand that engaging in therapy is challenging. Having a safe and secure foundation is essential when starting work with us. 

Other therapeutic offers in Sheffield

Our service users will often have accessed a therapeutic intervention before being referred to us. These are some of the services in Sheffield that offer talking treatments and therapy:

This is not a comprehensive list and may be subject to change.

Saffron/SRASAC/Vida regularly shut their lists and then reopen them for a short period of time. Their websites will often suggest that their waiting lists are closed, however it is possible to log your interest to then receive an alert with the list reopens.

Audio, visual or interactive information

If you prefer video rather than written information, MIND provides videos embedded within their articles (see the MIND links in the sections above).

MIND also have more videos on their YouTube channel.

MIND also provide information on interactive, online resources here.

Mental health audio guides can also be found via the NHS.

Information in languages other than English

Information on mental health difficulties and self-help in a variety of languages can be found via:

Information for carers

You can find out lots of information and support for carers at the Sheffield Carers Centre here.

Specialist psychotherapy service team stood together in a wooded area

Contact us

0114 2716920
0114 2716921 (Fax)


Specialist Psychotherapy Service
Fitzwilliam Centre
143-145 Fitzwilliam Street
S1 4JP
United Kingdom

Operating hours

We are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, and 9am to 4.30pm on Friday.

Service CQC rating

Overall Trust CQC rating

CQC logo
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
CQC overall rating
Requires improvement