The Specialist Community Forensic Team works with Sheffield residents who are currently either in low or medium secure hospitals, both locally and across the country.

We provide psychological, medical and social support to help our service users reintegrate into the community.

Our team focusses on working with the people we support in the least restrictive way possible. This can include providing intensive support to help reduce the length of a stay in hospital and to help people stay well in the community.

We have a wide range of skillsets and a wealth of forensic knowledge, across a team of people with medical, social work, nursing knowledge. It is also made up of allied health professionals and support staff. We also work alongside housing providers like South Yorkshire Housing Association as we help our service users access accommodation to come home to Sheffield.

This service has been set up as part of a national pilot by NHS England.

How is the service accessed?

We accept referrals from healthcare professionals who are responsible for Sheffield residents currently in low or medium secure care.

These are people registered with a Sheffield GP or where we have a responsibility for them under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act.

If you’re a healthcare professional, you can contact Sian Phillips to discuss referring somebody.

You can take a look at our service eligibility and selection criteria in full by clicking here.

Specialist community forensic team

Contact us

Sid Wiffen, service manager, and Vyvyan Hopkinson, general manager
0114 2264444


Sidney Street Centre
44 Sidney Steet
S1 4RH
United Kingdom

Operating hours

We’re open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Service CQC rating

Overall Trust CQC rating

CQC logo
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust
CQC overall rating
Requires improvement