Update to progesterone guidelines - 30 January 2023

Due to increased requests for progesterone from service users our guidelines have been updated. Scroll down to the 'Prescribing Guidelines for GPs' section and click the 'Updated progesterone guidelines' link to see the new document. 

Sustanon® shortage- 19th January 2023

We have been made aware that there is currently a shortage of Sustanon® which is affecting some areas of the country.

Should this affect your patient, we would advise that you prescribe Testosterone Enantate at the same dosage as an alternative.

Note: Sustanon contains arachis oil (peanut oil).

We require the information listed in this document to accept a referral for triage.

The NHS England circular on primary care responsibilities in relation to the prescribing and monitoring of hormone therapy for patients undergoing or having undergone gender dysphoria treatments is available here.

GP hormone advice line - 07811041506

GPs can call our hormone advice line on 07811041506.

This line is exclusively for medical professionals who require urgent advice on hormone treatment and monitoring for transgender patients.
We will aim to provide you with a call back within 48 hours wherever possible.
If more routine advice is needed please write to the medic who is looking after your patient with your query in the usual way and they will respond by return.
Please note that this line is not for service user use – we will not respond to service user queries made via this phone number.


We understand that some GPs may not be familiar with prescribing for trans people and we want to ensure that you feel supported. 

We always provide GPs with help and guidance when required. 

You can find RCGP guidance on transgender medicine here.

Transgender hormone prescribing/monitoring training

The Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) delivers training sessions aimed at NHS healthcare professionals (such as GPs, pharmacists and non-medical prescribers).

The sessions are delivered by one of the gender specialists, with topics including:

  • Constructive engagement with service users who are gender diverse including accepted terminology
  • Transgender hormones/medicines awareness and management
  • Primary care screening
  • Overview of the gender specialist pathway

To book onto a training session please book via this Eventbrite link. You must register for the training with your work (NHS) email.

If you have any questions about our training sessions please contact us by emailing porterbrook@shsc.nhs.uk or calling 0114 2716671.

Prescribing guidelines for GPs

Guidelines are available to support GPs in the ongoing management of patients requiring life-long medication. 

Helpful guidance on working with trans people

NHS England have put together a guide that is designed to give you a basic understanding of trans people and their needs, as well as tips on how you can best support them in your role and in the workplace. 

It will also point you to sources of further reading and information. The guide is available to download here.

For additional information visit the General Medical Council's website.

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