The Community Mental Health Team provides support to adults living in Sheffield who have complex or ongoing mental health needs.
We deliver care through eight multi-disciplinary care groups, each partnered with a General Practice, Primary and Community Mental Health Care and the local Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations.
We provide advice on managing mental health problems. This might include assessing your needs and helping you get support from the most appropriate service or agency.
All of the support we provide will be based on your individual needs and you will be fully involved in deciding what will work best for you.
We will regularly review your care plan with you and anyone else you would like to be involved in your care, such as family, loved ones or carers.
We will work collaboratively with you and anyone important to you to maximise your personal development underpinned by the principles of a recovery-based approach including hope, independence, fulfilment and enthusiasm.
We work closely with SHSC’s other services to manage any changes in your needs.