This service will soon be replaced by the new Specialist Community Learning Disabilities service.

We are creating one integrated specialist learning disability service to offer better, more streamlined and timely support to people with learning disabilities in Sheffield, replacing three teams which were previously running separately.

Read more about the new service here.

Coronavirus - changes to this service

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak we have made changes to the way this service is delivered. To find out more please visit

Information about vaccines for people with a learning disability

NHS England and NHS Improvement have developed a short film for people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people about vaccination. It describes what a vaccine is, how vaccines are made, why you should get a vaccine, whether a vaccine can make you ill and how to decide whether to have a vaccine or not.

The Community Intensive Support Service (CISS) is a specialist health service for people with learning disabilities, and their carers, living in Sheffield.

The team works closely with the Community Learning Disability Team and Firshill Rise ATS (inpatient service).

We provide intensive support to people who are very unwell. This means they may be struggling with mental health problems. They may have behaviours that are high risk and difficult to manage.

Our work helps people to be cared for in their own home rather than an inpatient hospital like Firshill Rise ATS. Our staff can deliver training on Positive Behaviour Support and mental health to family or carers.

You can find out more about the support we offer in this easy-read leaflet.

And you can read our leaflet about Stopping the Over Medication of People with Learning Disabilities here.

You can find out more about Positive Behaviour Support by watching this video:

You can find a list of more useful videos for people with learning disabilities and families and carers here.

Forensic Outreach Liaison Service

The Forensic Outreach Liaison Service is a new type of service that supports people aged 18 years and above who have a learning disability or autism or both, who have come into contact with the criminal justice system. This service works closely with the Community Learning Disability Team and the Community Intensive Support Service.

You can find out more about the service by clicking here.

How do I access the service?

People are referred to these services from our Community Learning Disability Team or Firshill Rise ATS. We do not accept direct referrals from services outside of the organisation.

If you wish to make a referral to the Community Learning Disability Team please visit their service page here.

Every person with a learning disability should have a Health Passport. You can download this here.

Accessible information

Sheffield Advocacy Services

SHSC Learning Disabilities YouTube Channel

Annual Health Checks

PBS Academy

Stopping the Overmedication of People with Learning Disabilities