We want to improve the access, experiences and outcomes of racialised communities when they get care, treatment and help from us.
We are missing about 40% of the information on our service users' ethnicity. We want to get a more accurate picture of our service users and who they are so we can tailor the care and treatment we give. We want to make sure we have a clear understanding of the ethnicity of our service users by 31 December 2023.
We are also missing over 80% of data related to gender identity too. So we want to improve this and make sure we know about all our service users' gender identity so we can care for them well.
Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework
This work on ethnicity is part of a wider programme called the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF).
Salli Midgley, executive director of nursing, professions and quality, said: “The PCREF sets out expectations for mental health trusts like ours to reduce the mental health inequalities faced by racialised and ethnic minority communities. As an organisation we are expected to record and monitor data by ethnicity.
“Black and mixed ethnic groups have a substantially higher rate of detentions, seclusions and restrictive practices. If we can collect better data on our service users, we hope we can use the information to change the way we care and treat service users so we can reduce inequalities.”
We are publishing three videos to help our staff and communities to understand how to have sensitive conversations with our service users so we get better information from them. This will mean we are more culturally aware and sensitive to our service users.
We want to give culturally appropriate care by understanding the barriers ethnic minority communities face in getting healthcare services for diagnosis and treatment.
1. Introduction video
This video is for our staff and partners in the community. It helps to set the scene around providing culturally appropriate care for our service users and citizens of Sheffield from communities marginalised by their race and or ethnicity.