SHSC’s Chief Clinical Information Officer, Raihan Talukdar and Deputy Medical Director, Helen Crimlisk attended the launch of the £4 million South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub at the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre which will tackle healthcare inequalities and transform how patients are treated in South Yorkshire. We are really pleased to be working alongside other health partners, community groups, industry and both Universities in Sheffield on this work.
Raihan said: “It is great that SHSC is represented in the South Yorkshire Hub, which is one of only 5 nationwide to be selected. Digital data from daily life (such as that from wearable technology like smart watches) is an underutilised source of information, and integration with routine healthcare data can lead to healthier lives, better care and cost-saving to the NHS. With the new Electronic Patient Record System in SHSC, Rio, it will be possible to collect data which, with the right governance, could be used to deliver more integrated, effective and safe care to our service users.”
Helen said: “I was pleased to hear an acknowledgement that there is a real risk that digital health innovations could further increase health inequalities, and to hear of the determination to ensure that we avoid this by having a clear focus on user experience, digital inclusion strategies and co-production. The Hub will also benefit our staff and services users by offering new opportunities for improving health and economic growth in the region through digital skills training and sharing, networking and knowledge exchange connecting a wide range of diverse stakeholders from academia, healthcare, industry, public and private organisations and the wider public.”
And Tim Chico, Associate Director of South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub, said: "The South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub brings together patients, clinicians, researchers and industrial partners to do digital health better. I am particularly pleased that organisations such as Sheffield Health and Social Care are partners in the Hub. It is essential that digital health addresses the needs of people with mental health and social care problems. Such people are particularly disadvantaged at the moment and we need to correct this by designing new health products and services with them at the centre."
The aims of the project over the next three years are:
- To bring together the right people including patients, doctors, health professionals, industry, academics and the public to find out which tools they want most.
- To set up the right infrastructure such as systems to store and analyse data and create tools that can deliver the right information to patients, health professionals and the public.
- To give people the right skills to be able to develop these digital health tools collaboratively and independently
- To create a pipeline of ideas, projects and products suitable for use in the NHS.
If you would like to read more about how you as an employee, a service user, a carer or a citizen can become more involved please look at the website South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub | SYDHH | The University of Sheffield or register your interest or contact Helen or Raihan about any ideas you have.