Service users improve their mental health through Muay Thai boxing

Mental Health Awareness Week is running from 13-19 May 2024 and the theme this year is movement.

Movement is a great way for people to look after their mental wellbeing - from a small walk to a full marathon.

At Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, two fitness instructors have organised Muay Thai boxing sessions to help service users improve their mental health.

Muay Thai boxing is also known as Thai boxing. It is a Thai martial art and full-contact combat sport that uses moves including stand-up striking and sweeps.

Muay Thai is known as the 'art of eight limbs' as people taking part use their fists, elbows, knees and shins.

And the group of service users are being put through their paces every fortnight at the Thai Boxing Wicker Muay Thai Camp on Effingham Road.

The work out includes general fitness as well as Thai boxing moves.

Fitness instructors Callum Summerscales and Tom Butler set up the classes to help support the physical and mental health of service users. They also run other sessions which help service users move more, including five-a-side football.

Callum and Tom talk about the class and the benefits the sessions bring for service users in the following video.

Video file
Muay Thai boxing gloves