On Thursday 26 September 2024 we held our annual members meeting. You can watch our video that was shared at the event here:
The meeting is an opportunity for our members, staff and the public to receive our annual report and accounts. We also talk about our performance and our priorities for the coming year.
This year we held our meeting at the OEC, Hillsborough, Sheffield. Our partners and our staff teams created a lively marketplace where attendees were able to find out more about our organisation, the work we have done over the past 12 months and our plans for the year ahead.
Salma Yasmeen, our chief executive, led the meeting alongside our chair, Sharon Mays.
Salma talked about what we had done to deliver outstanding care, create a great place to work, use our resources effectively and ensure our services are inclusive in the financial year of 2023/24.
Salma shared the changes we have made to our buildings, services and processes to help create a healthier environment in Sheffield. We also detailed what we have done to raise money for our charity, Sheffield Hospitals Charity. We celebrated the awards that we have been nominated for such as the Health Service Journal awards and also our own staff awards, the Shine awards.
Salli Midgley, executive director for nursing, professions and quality, talked us through how we ensure we deliver great quality services that meet the needs of our service users and Neil Robertson, director of operations, talked through our performance.

We also covered a report on our official financial position and our auditors report.
The team also took the chance to talk about our governors and the important work they did in the financial year of 2023/24 to support a range of work across our organisation, including participating in recruitment and our council of governors.
We thanked Terry Proudfoot who will be stepping down as our lead governor. Thank you to Terry who has made a valuable contribution to our governing body for over four and a half years and worked alongside our board. We have really valued her wisdom, counsel and integrity. The governors added that they have all benefitted from working alongside Terry.
We also welcomed Ben Duke as our new lead governor.
The annual members meeting is held every year in autumn. Contact Amber Wild to find out more on amber.wild@shsc.nhs.uk