Pedal power purchases welcome packs for mental health service users in Sheffield

NHS staff have delivered welcome packs for ethnically diverse service users to a rehabilitation unit after the fundraising efforts of a peloton of our staff who took part in a charity cycle ride.

They have been delivered to Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust’s Forest Close site, a mental health inpatient rehabilitation unit based in Worrall for adults living in Sheffield.

The packs are specifically for people with African or Caribbean heritage and contain bespoke products for afro hair and black skin.

The idea for the packs came after a service user shared their experience of not having the required products available during their inpatient stay.
Back on 15 December 2023, a 26-strong team of cyclists rode the distance to the seaside town of Cleethorpes on three exercise bikes. Their aim was to raise £500 for the packs.

Each cyclist took a 20-minute slot with the aim of covering overall the 90 miles between the Michael Carlisle Centre on Osborne Road, Nether Edge, and the Lincolnshire resort.

They were joined by a support crew cheering them on to the beat of festive tunes (and the odd mince pie and chocolate treat) and in the end smashed through the fundraising target to raise £705.

That money has now been used to purchase the specialist products which are in use on mental health wards at our Forest Close site.

And the packs have gone down well with service users.

One service user said; “I’m really happy. I’ve never received anything like this before.” Another service user added; “This will make all the difference to my care and wellbeing on the ward.”

Juliet Miller, a senior practitioner in rehabilitation and continuing care, based at Forest Close, said; “Everyone at Forest Close would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved for raising the funds for the welcome packs for our African Caribbean service users. 

“The packs contain the appropriate hair and skin care products and were happily received by the service users. The photos and quotes we are sharing say it all.”

Welcome baskets