How we are making the Sheffield Talking Therapies service more inclusive for the LGBTQIA+ community

LGBT+ History Month runs throughout February each year to highlight the community’s contribution to society and to raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ history. Each year focuses on a different theme - this year’s theme is activism and social change.

In this blog a member of our Sheffield Talking Therapies team explains how there are working groups within the team who are looking to improve referrals and clinical outcomes for underserved communities.

We know and understand that the LGBTQIA+ community is less likely to access services like those offered by Sheffield Talking Therapies, due to fears of discrimination. 

As part of the equalities work taking place within our Talking Therapies service, there are a number of dedicated working groups whose aims are to improve referrals and clinical outcomes for underserved communities including ethnically and culturally diverse communities, older adults, men, and the LGBTQIA+ community.

We know and understand that the LGBTQIA+ community experience poorer clinical outcomes compared to the heterosexual community.

To improve this, the work of the LGBTQIA+ working group so far has led to improvements and changes including:

  • Sheffield Talking Therapies staff being trained in LGBTQIA+ awareness
  • Regular attendance at LGBTQIA+ events in the community
  • Active research within the community to explore community opinion, and to identify barriers to accessing our service
  • Development of bespoke LGBTQIA+ affirmative care (enhancing existing treatments through the creation of LGBTQIA+ specific considerations)
  • National and local networking – developing links with community services based in Sheffield and wider NHS services across the UK
  • Revision of our referral form to capture more accurate patient data including sexuality and gender characteristics
  • Development on supporting LGBTQIA+ staff
  • Embedding the NHS Confederation Health and Care LGBTQ+ Inclusion Framework into our service
  • Promoting awareness of LGBTQIA+ events including LGBT+ History Month, Pride Month and Trans Awareness Week
  • Development of a Support Statement for the LGBTQIA+ community
  • Use of the LGBTQ+ Positive Practice Guide  developed by the LGBT Foundation. You can download this guide here

Across the wider Trust we also have a Rainbow Staff Network group, where people meet regularly to discuss ways to improve the care we give to the LGBTQIA+ community. 

How to access Sheffield Talking Therapies

Sheffield Talking Therapies offer a range of free NHS talking therapies for stress, anxiety and depression to anyone aged 18 or over, registered with a Sheffield GP or who is under the care of a Sheffield based consultant.

You can refer yourself to our service on the Sheffield Talking Therapies website, you don’t need a referral from your GP, but you may find it useful to talk to them first.

Or you can call 0114 2264380.

LGBT+ History Month