News listing
From Monday 28 February 2022 the telephone lines at Northlands and East Glade will close at 4.30pm instead of 5pm.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has re-inspected our acute mental heath services and improved our rating from 'inadequate' to 'requires improvement'.
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust has sold its headquarters site at Fulwood and will move to a more modern home this year.
Meet Sandy, the newest resident at Woodland View nursing home, Norton, Sheffield. 
The Government's Plan B restrictions ended on 27 January 2022 but there will be no change to the things we are asking service users and visitors to do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust.
We are working on improving the mental health services we provide in Sheffield communities; we want them to be great and we need your help to make them great.
A new online writing group for mums who have experienced mental health issues around the time of having a baby is launching in South Yorkshire.
Beverley Murphy, Executive Director of Nursing, Professions and Operations, has praised staff for their efforts during the latest wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have teamed up with SACMHA and Sheffield Flourish to introduce a new role which will champion race equality in mental health services for people in the African Caribbean community living in the city.
Sisters and colleagues Sharon Ashton and Mandy Reynolds have been vaccinating NHS staff across Sheffield with COVID-19 boosters and flu jabs.