We'd like to invite you to join us for our Annual Members' Meeting on Tuesday 22 September.
With the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic we're doing things a little bit different this year, and instead of holding our meeting in person, we'll be meeting online.
Anyone is welcome to join us and hear from our executive team about how we've performed over the past year. We'll also be welcoming our auditors from KPMG as we present our Annual Report and Accounts for 2019-20.
Got a question you'd like to ask?
At the end of the meeting we are holding a question and answer session where you will have a chance to ask our executive team any questions you may have about our work over the past 12 months, or our plans for the future.
To help us ensure we can give you an in-depth answer to your question we're asking you to submit your questions ahead of the meeting so we can be properly prepared.
To submit a question email brenda.russell@shsc.nhs.uk
Book your place
To book your place please email brenda.russell@shsc.nhs.uk
Once we have received your email we will send out the Microsoft Teams invite to the meeting.