This page is for anyone who refers people to CERT

Who we work with

We work with people requiring an alternative to inpatient rehabilitation, who may include...

  • People who have had frequent or long-term inpatient admissions or to prevent frequent or long-term admissions
  • People who are approaching discharge from inpatient rehabilitation
  • People with complex and enduring mental health difficulties
  • People whose behaviour can be challenging to mental health services
  • People whose risk can be complex to manage
  • People who are subject to the Mental Health Act as an alternative to inpatient admission (ie. Community Treatment Orders/Section 41)
  • People who are socially isolated
  • People who display some willingness to accept responsibility for their care and recovery
  • People who are able to consent to work with CERT and opt in to the service

Who we don’t work with

  • People who are living relatively independently in the community and do not require rehabilitation
  • People who are predominately in need of tenancy support but do not require additional mental health rehabilitation
  • People who live in/or plan to live in supported or residential accommodation
  • When the severity and imminence of a person’s risk is high and the person is unwilling to collaborate in their safety management plan
  • Where we are unable to provide a period of in-reach to establish therapeutic relationships
  • People whose needs can be met by Recovery teams, Personality Disorder Pathway/SDS

referral process for community enhancing recovery team