We are planning for the future and have focused on implementing change that will sustain our drive to provide high quality services and a great place to work.

Importantly, but not exclusively, we have transformed many of our ward environments to provide safer, more therapeutic and dignified spaces. Our move to single gender wards has resulted in major improvements on Dovedale 2 Ward and Burbage Ward.

The new rest area has space for NHS staff to rest their weary feet

The new staff rest area at the Michael Carlisle Centre. 

We have also chosen an new electronic patient record system which will support our clinicians to do their jobs, agreed the sale of our headquarters at Fulwood to provide capital to further improve our clinical environments and most importantly we have significantly improved the way we involve service users and carers in their care and the planning of future services.

Not only have we made changes for our service users, but we have also listened to our staff about the changes that would make a difference to them, including the launch of our new staff rest area at the Michael Carlisle Centre.

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