The Community Mental Health Team provides support to adults living in Sheffield who have complex or ongoing mental health needs.

We deliver care through eight multi-disciplinary care groups, each partnered with a General Practice, Primary and Community Mental Health Care and the local Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations. 

We provide advice on managing mental health problems. This might include assessing your needs and helping you get support from the most appropriate service or agency.

All of the support we provide will be based on your individual needs and you will be fully involved in deciding what will work best for you.

We will regularly review your care plan with you and anyone else you would like to be involved in your care, such as family, loved ones or carers.

We will work collaboratively with you and anyone important to you to maximise your personal development underpinned by the principles of a recovery-based approach including hope, independence, fulfilment and enthusiasm.

We work closely with SHSC’s other services to manage any changes in your needs.

Partnership working

We work alongside General Practices to help them support people experiencing a mental health problem. Where possible this means people can receive the care they need without needing extra support from other services.

We provide shared care where this is appropriate with Primary Care Team colleagues.

This support aims to help people have good mental health, hope, personal responsibility, self-advocacy, education and control of their own life, achieving a sense of purpose and hope with or without recurrent symptoms of mental disorder.

How will young people transition into the service?

We will work in partnership with child and adolescent mental health services to support a smooth transition between services by their 18th birthday.

How is the service accessed?

The Community Mental Health Team aims to make referrals to the service as easy as possible and referrals are normally received from GPs and primary care. We also accept referrals from Sheffield Health and Social Care’s crisis and inpatient services.

Once a referral is received you will be offered an initial assessment, then up to four assessments to determine the best care pathway for you.

Initial assessment appointments may be carried out during a phone call or may be face to face, usually in the mental health team base.

You may be sent questionnaires to complete prior to your first assessment appointment or during the assessment process. It is important that you complete these as they give us a basis to understand the nature of your problems and develop an individual care plan.

You can take a look at our service eligibility and selection criteria here.

Sharing your feedback on Care Opinion

Care Opinion is an independent organisation that gives you the chance share your experience of using our services, to help us make changes that benefit everyone. 

We want you to share honest feedback about our services. Good or bad we want to hear what you think. 

You can choose how much detail you want to go into about your personal story, but if there’s anything we could improve on we want to know. 

You can give feedback by filling in the form below.

Four people in semi-formal wear stand together side by side in a corridor smiling at the camera, wearing NHS lanyards

Contact us

North manager: Phillip Goodwin, South manager: Jenni Bond
North: 0114 2716217
South: 0114 2716451


Northlands Community Health Centre
Southey Hill
S5 8BE
United Kingdom

East Glade
1 East Glade Crescent
S12 4QN
United Kingdom

Operating hours

The service operates between 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday. Our telephone lines are open from 9am to 4.30pm.

Outside of these hours if you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed, or worried about your mental health, you can contact your local crisis service in Sheffield by calling NHS 111 and selecting the mental health option.

Service CQC rating

Overall Trust CQC rating